Spoken Gibberish
June Update (Now A Podcast!)

June Update (Now A Podcast!)

Inbound to your Inbox

The Monthly Update Is Back! Check out past updates HERE

But because I am a mess, it’s kind of an unprofessional ramble. I haven’t been able to get my act together about these monthly updates, so I just ad-hoc’d talking to you about my plans!

If you don’t want to listen to me ramble, here’s some show notes:

0:00 - It starts here, obviously
0:08 - What exactly is this thing
0:45 - It’s June, what’ve we missed
1:08 - Since the last update, the GWC began and ended, with

as the champion for GWC ‘24!
1:45 - Let’s take an inventory of what’s going on

  • Weekly writing exercises, they’re coming back, whoops

  • I started doing longer fiction every other Friday

2:56 - Let’s talk about DRAFTS

5:39 - What’s Scheduled?

6:22 - Substack MBA/Strategy Podcast??? 👀
8:00 - What am I reading?

8:42 - What have I not done that I still want to do?

  • Story Time readings of my longer fiction!

  • The longer fiction is stored in The Volume section of Gibberish

  • Gibberish Anthology

9:20 - I don’t know how to end podcasts

  • Stay tuned every other friday for longer fiction!

  • Stay tuned every tuesday for writing exercises, you can find them in The Writing Gym section of Gibberish

10:23 - Did any of you listen this far? What do you think? Like any of these drafts coming down the pipeline?
10:35 - Thanks for sticking with me!
10:52 - The End

Thank you for being here for Gibberish! I am excited for all June has in store!

God bless!


Spoken Gibberish
Scoot narrates his short stories and longer fiction, text versions of which can be read at the section called "The Volume"
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