This hit all the right notes for me: Lovecraftian, eerie, 10/10 characterisation, and possessed a rollercoaster of emotions. I loved this from the beginning to its stellar end.

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A very nice bit of horror. And invited a sequel where the horror goes into full on apocalypse.

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The space horror in this was stellar (pun not intended, but I caught it before posting the comment, so I’m going to act like it was intentional). My favorite horror stories are the ones that take something mundane and make it terrifying, and this story did that so, so well.

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Great job. Never trust the guy with the black tie.

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Scoot!! This was awesome!

…will I forgive you for killing off my favorite character in this story? Probably not. :P

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The time boxing in this story felt very Arthur C. Clarke. The build up and the pace were really good too. I would like to request a stand alone story of how Corps veteran Casimir Kowalski became the man he is. An origin story if you may.

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That would be a great story! Can I “third” that request?

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Holy cow this was good. Black tie is totally a lawyer. A government lawyer, no less, and not one of the good ones. I didn't get the chance to read this yesterday due to life events, but man oh man I'm glad I read it this morning because YIKES this was good. Space cicada monsters: what a way to go.

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Okay LOVE the cicada imagery throughout. Chilling tale.

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Few things are as wonderful as extraterrestrial sci-fi horror. The Thing, Alien, War of the Worlds, Forbidden Planet. When a story hits all the notes (which this one does) it's like a magical fishhook - I bite every time.

The pacing and mystery were set up beautifully. The conceptualization of cicadas as an alien species - brilliant. And from a technical standpoint, you did a great job of making three distinct characters who all serve a purpose in both the plot and the story structure. Jarrad is relatable, but not particularly memorable (which works well for a viewpoint character in first-person sci fi and fantasy). Greta and Casimir on the other both stand out as distinctly timid and tenacious. Great for causing tension and conflict in the crew.

Last note: I really like these longer stories. Characters like Casimir and Black Zaeland from Duel, and phrases like 'Orders is orders', stick in my head for ages.

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You convinced me to emerge from my three month Substack hibernation hiatus to consume this delectable, juicy tale. The tymballing is music to my antennae.

But really, wow. I massively enjoyed reading this story. The Sandbox Earth universe is becoming more and more real... and horrifying...

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Space cicadas! Great buildup of tension, lots of "NO! DON'T GO NEAR THE ALIEN HOLE!" moments!

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I don't want Jarrad to retire! No!!

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Superb. Wow, this was nice. Had an inkling it would be insect themed. Thank you for a really great read Scoot

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Really liked this. Great dialogue as usual. Cool world buildey space - feels eerie and creepy as i like it.

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Excellent job Scoot. You got everything just right: The Eerie-ness, the slow build, the cicada hum, and the bugs coming out of the ground and chasing the crew. It was well done. 5/5

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Scoot, this is fantastic. Your hard work really paid off; I enjoyed it immensely. It was just the thing to read while the cicadas shriek outside my window.

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