1. Do you want to go to space?

A little bit but only in the future. I'm not fussed about being one of the first. I'll wait until the ships have artificial grav, atmosphere, and death isn't a constant threat.

2. What is the best thing about staying here on earth?

Fresh food. I haven't been to space but I imagine living off dried packet food gets pretty dull pretty quick.

3. What’s your “play it cool” coffee order, and what’s your “I’m being extra because I’m gonna treat myself” coffee order?

I order a black coffee or a flat white. Occasionally I will go all out and have a mocha as a nod to teenage me.

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Mocha is a great understated extra coffee choice. I like how you can say "I'm just gonna grab a coffee" and walk out of starbucks with an ice-cream sundae in a coffee cup. Don't get me wrong, I love the ice-cream sundae in a coffee cup, but I can't even think about it too often or else my imagination gets diabetes.

I think when I was younger my policy was "when it's safe enough for babys to travel to space I will do it." Which makes it sound like i'm waiting for someone to launch a baby to space, but I'm just saying that babys can ride planes and take trans-oceanic ship voyages; but getting to space is still not a sure thing!

Thanks for reading, Redd!

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1. I'm with Redd: when it's as safe as it looks on Star Trek, then maybe. Even then, I don't know: C.S. Lewis had interesting thoughts on that.

2. Well, the air is nice. Also if you get into trouble usually there's someone around to help unless you've gone off into the desert or out to sea or some such place. After reading "The Cold Equations" and especially with having a medically complex child, and with my own issues, I appreciate that rather more. than I did when I was young and didn't have to reckon with adult issues.

3. I... really don't drink coffee, alas. I will say, my go to soft drink order is usually a Mountain Dew or Mello Yello, maybe a Sprite, but sometimes I get in a mood and I want a milkshake. I have to be in a specific mood for a milkshake, like from Arbys or White Castle or something. I don't know why.

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The specific mood is part of what makes them special splurges! Good thoughts all, Michael 😂

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I went to space. Or, tried to go. But it wasn't there. It was not empty, but heavy with transcendent beauty. My old friend Ramsom had warned me not to expect only what thin minds expect. But to expect it to be the heavens.

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The moon is haunted?!

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*gun clicks*

Always has been

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You make it seem easy but still hard. Good balance!

I posted some views on humans in space last week. I'm posting a fictional corollary to the piece later this week... https://open.substack.com/pub/reiditwrite/p/humans-thriving-on-other-worlds-is-fantasy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=wtpo

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