That last sentence was an unexpected surprise!

I could not handle the orange level of Epcot's Mission Space, so I can't imagine I'd do well in a real life take off, lol.

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What could possibly go wrong? Just strap in on top of a sky-scraper of chemical propellant and wait for it to take you to the empty vacuum of space where no one can hear you scream. EZ and harmless!

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Oof. And that's the reason why my answer to #1 is, not until they reach Star Trek levels of safety, and I don't mean redshirts.

2. Once I turned on the radio and happened to overheard a live interview of Will Wheaton. Unfortunately I was late enough that all I heard was "Will Wheaton, thanks for being here today." "My pleasure." I was much put out.

3. Honestly, I like driving in the rain, as long as it's not too much of a downpour. There's something about being out there under the grey sky, in the rain...I don't like getting wet, though. C'est la vie.

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In answer to your questions:

1. I don't particularly enjoy flying, and space travel is just flying but worse. Also, I wouldn't want to be on another planet if there's ever a family emergency.

2. I'm prone to being late, so it happens more than I'd like. Once I was over two and a half hours late for a rehearsal dinner. I got horribly lost.

3. Rainy days are nice for chilling at a coffeehouse for a few hours.

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Flying and getting lost are two of my most irrational fears so youre speaking my language!

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It's why I hate that stupid reoccurring dream about being lost in the airport so much. Thanks, subconscious.

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I didn't realize until too late that a Crunch is supposed to be 250 words. But once I had the idea, I couldn't get rid of it. Thanks for the prompt! :)


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Thanks for writing your own version! 250 words are my own guideline, I'm happy the prompt got you writing! Looking forward to checking this out!

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