1. Not yet. My daughter is six going on seven, so I've got time. She keeps growing on me, though, is the problem.

2. Some, less so since the pandemic. :)

3. Of late, a sing-along of "Diggy Diggy Hole". Secondarily, I always wanted to have a sing-along in a bar doing "To Life" like in "Fiddler on the Roof". Not being a drinking guy and not getting out much, it's been difficult. On the other hand, I did get to see Weird Al live with my wife once, so honestly I'm good I think on that front. :)

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My oldest daughter is 40. Time flies. Enjoy the thing, Dad.

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2: I occasionally let myself be dragged into things if people will be sad if I don’t, but for the last year I’ve been avoiding large group activities, and I think I’ve only had maybe four meetups with a small group.

3: I would definitely like to force everybody I know to come to Substack-Con, once I convince Substack to have said Substack-Con. I want to buy my tickets already!

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You gotta just buy non-refundable flights to St Louis in 2025. Then they have no choice!

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Excellent idea!

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I want to go to super-lofi-magna-CON, sounds fun!

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This made me so *sad* for him! That empty passenger seat killed me.

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