I started laughing at "“I am a detective droid not a strategy droid. The scanner on my face is for looking for clues. I do not have any clues as to why you would commit to this bad plan.” and didn't stop for a minute after. DB! and James are so awesome. I love it!

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I adore DB.

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"They stashed Zaelland in the trunk and hoisted DB431 back into the passenger seat and scrambled to get everything into the garage before the police arrived." - major Pulp Fiction vibes.

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Just waiting for Sara to read this. Fantastic dialogue, Scoot! I want a backstory on how James and DB met, because their relationship seems so interesting.

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A standalone starring DB would be epic!

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The dialogue here is amazing. Love the buildup to whatever is going to happen in the climax!

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A moment to breathe! I'm so excited for next week. I feel like this is very, very neatly done while retaining its energy and maximum excitement.

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If I can just have a soundtrack of James and DB’s sass contests playing on a loop, I’ll be so happy.

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Pleaaaase let Gerard be a Sith Master

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“That is a low bar for appreciation.” Was a lol moment!

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“There are no sass—”

Alright, DB431, there are clearly sass droids and you know it!

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