This is a really cool story! I look forward to seeing what happens next. :). Keep up the great work!

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Thank you very much for reading and checking out Gibberish! More to come, for sure!

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This is great, had a blast reading up to here in one go! Imaginative and intriguing. Bravo, looking forward to how the story unfolds.

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! Definitely plan to continue--just got to figure out how!

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I'm caught up! And I don't think you necessarily need to cut 7 and 8. Story-wise, it's the logical next step - Tylus learns a bit about the ship and how space travel works, meets the crew, and starts work. If you're wanting to change things, maybe you could combine these sections and do some editing to make it all flow together?

I like the foreshadowing. Clearly those other deckhands aren't really deckhands... I think you're dropping these little hints at a good rate to keep the reader suspicious (and interested). Overall, I'm liking this. I hope you do end up writing more!

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I definitely plan to revisit it but lost some enthusiasm and lost direction. But the climactic event of this story still lives in my head, so I have to let it out! It's a bigger project than Sandbox Earth so I need to take my time with it and plan how I am going to approach the work but you've jogged my mind and reminded me that maybe it's not so bad after all! So Keep an eye out, definitely not done with this yet!

Thank you so much for reading! I am really glad you enjoyed and I appreciate your comments and feedback! It's helped a lot already!

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Happy to help! It sounds like you've got a great idea in your head - take your time, and I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. I've really enjoyed it so far!

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Bro you can’t just leave us with a cliffhanger like this?

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