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Flash Fiction Friday is back! This time a little better structured than when I ran it on notes last summer! The game is simple: check out the prompts below, write literally anything based on any, all, or none of the prompts, post a story to your stack before next week, and share your story in the chat thread!
Once you’ve posted your story, make sure to check out the other stories and share your favorites on notes!
Don’t forget to subscribe to get Flash Fiction Friday in your inbox every week!
Prompts for 28 February 2025
Write about a long day
light fell like pinpricks
“You don’t understand”
The type of character who is lying about something.
Flash Fiction Highlights
Every week I will choose some (or all!) of the stories shared in the Chat to highlight in the subsequent weeks issue of Flash Fiction Friday. This week, I decided to choose three! Here are the highlights:
- CampfireSDG wrote a story using a previous set of prompts! Check out this great campfire story (and don’t think I didn’t notice the nod to I, Robot!)
Scott is no stranger to tackling prompts at Gibberish, I was glad to see his twist on the previous prompts! Check out his story about a little dose of cosmic justice!
Tiffany tackled the prompts and I liked one of the comments that said “Love a snowball to my feelings”!
Want to be featured? Make sure you share your stories in the Flash Fiction Friday chat!
Thank you for checking out these prompts! Come back next week for another round of prompts!
Interested in seeing my own writing? Check out The Volume for longer-form fiction, or The Writing Gym for writing exercises designed to help me sharpen my craft!
Thank you and God bless!
Awww... thank you! I wasn't expecting this, especially since I bumbled the posting instructions for that story! 😊
(and yay, someone spotted the Susan Calvin reference!)
Thank you for the shoutotut Scoot! Loved these other pieces too. Actually found you through Scott! Looking forward to this week's challenge. Love the turn of phrase and random characters in these prompts!