This is the index of Flash Fiction Friday prompts for 2025! This year, I have formalized Flash Fiction Friday, and will be posting both prompts AND highlights for people who participated in the prompts. This index will be a collection of the prompts themselves but will include links to the post for each week showcasing all the participants!
How To Use The Prompts
The first rule is that THERE ARE NO RULES! Because this is FLASH FICTION FRIDAY, I suggest that you try to write flash fiction—500 to 1,000 words, one sitting if you can manage it. But it can be micro-fiction (500 words or less); it can be Macro Fiction (award winning 500 page novels); it can be anything in-between.
Every week I will publish a list of prompts that will follow this format:
Write about [something]
[an evocative and self-contradictory turn of phrase]
“This is a line of dialogue”
The type of character who you should put in your story
These are designed to kick-start your creativity and are not designed to constrain it. Use one, use them all, mix-and-match from different days, or don’t use them at all. If the prompts help you write, they have succeeded.
Be sure to tag me in the post where you use the prompts, and I’ll host chat-threads for Flash Fiction Friday where you can share your stories with the community too!
Above all else, ENJOY WRITING, Fictioneers!
The Index
31 January 2025 - Flash Fiction Friday Returns
Write about moving to a new place
it stung sweetly
“So you have made your choice?”
The type of character who doesn’t feel safe
07 February 2025 - Echo
Write about learning to use a new tool
like leaden echoes
“It’s all I had”
The type of character who likes causing trouble
14 February 2025 - Fire
Write about a campfire story
chaotic annotations
“where did you find it?”
The type of character who wants to remain hidden
21 February 2025 - Snow
Write about a blizzard
weighs down lightly
“That’s not what I asked.”
The type of character who is good at tricking people.
28 February 2025 - Pinpricks
Write about a long day
light fell like pinpricks
“you don’t understand”
The type of character who is lying about something
7 March 2025 - Scheduled
14 March 2025 - Scheduled
21 March 2025 - Pending
28 March 2025 - Pending
Thank you for visiting Flash Fiction Friday!
Looking forward to this. Hope you have a wonderful holiday.