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Want to see more prompts? Check out the 2025 Prompt Index!
Flash Fiction Friday is back! This time a little better structured than when I ran it on notes last summer! The game is simple: check out the prompts below, write literally anything based on any, all, or none of the prompts, post a story to your stack before next week, and share your story in the chat thread!
Once you’ve posted your story, make sure to check out the other stories and share your favorites on notes!
Don’t forget to subscribe to get Flash Fiction Friday in your inbox every week!
Prompts for 31 January 2025
Write about moving to a new place
it stung sweetly
“So you have made your choice?”
The type of character who doesn’t feel safe
Flash Fiction Highlights
This is the first Flash Fiction Friday, so I don’t have anyone to highlight yet—it could be you! Every week I will choose some (or all!) of the stories shared in the Chat to highlight in next weeks issue of Flash Fiction Friday.
As this is the first week, I will simply encourage you all to check out the chat and post your Flash Fiction derived from these prompts!
Thank you for checking out these prompts! Come back next week for another round of flash fiction!
Looking to write something shorter? Check out
for daily microfiction prompts, or for the unique word-randomization prompts of PROMPTMANTEAU.Interested in seeing my own writing? Check out The Volume for longer-form fiction, or The Writing Gym for writing exercises designed to help me sharpen my craft!
Thank you and God bless!
Here's my story: it might be a tick long then "flash" flash fiction; but it fit so perfectly into my current serial that I couldn't resist. :)
This is freaky. Shortly after posting a story based on these prompts, I started getting browser ads for "Honey Stinger," some kind of "energy replenishing" product for athletes that I've never heard of before. I'm not an athlete and if I need to replenish energy, I either eat something or take a nap, so I suspect this is my browser looking into what I post on the 'net and using that information to deliver customized advertising to me... silly fools, their AI 'bot doesn't understand me.