Eat you greens, dear. Soylent greens. Mother knows best

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LOVE IT! Great buildup, great payoff. Just enough worldbuilding for intrigue, plenty of room for mystery.

WELL DONE, Scoot!!👏

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See, Juror No. 6 had me possibly rooting for Droids. Now... I think I'm still rooting for them. Which is weird, because I have an utter distrust for robots. Ask my dad's roomba.

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Ya shouldn't be in unauthorized areas, ya never know what's gonna happen to ya.

Ya might get processed.

What comes next, oh great @Scoot

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"There's no downsides!" Ooh, Charles, I think I've spotted one there, bud.

(But seriously, this was a great story, and that first paragraph: masterful).

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The crows were ominous from the start, and then.. CROWCAM! Great buildup!

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I bet you're crowing over the success of this story, aren't you? Enjoyed it!

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Cool sci-fi short with a horror twist - I enjoyed it! 😄

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I'm terrified of crows now

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