And Hell was locked forever. Having just finished Paradise Lost a few days ago, this was easy to visualize. Looks like you had a good time working on this yourself. Nice read.

(As another aside, I recommend Paradise Lost on audiobook instead of reading it.)

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There's a lot of books like that, I think. I tried Moby Dick once in my teens and was bored to tears. Reading it on audiobook a while later...big improvement.

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I was thinking about Dante's Inferno as I was reading this piece. I read Dante about 4 years as a freshman in college, and I've been meaning to return to it again.

The ominous ending is not quite what I'd expected! I'd thought it might end on a happier note, so when I got to the end, I was like, "holy cow, wait, what?" I think I'm still trying to wrestle with its meaning. Super intriguing though!

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I wrestled with hell a lot on my spiritual journey and it has always fascinated me in a terrifying sort of way.

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