Well, that's unfortunate. Bet you anything Elise has a bun in the oven, as it were.

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Drowning is number one of my list of worst ways to die, so this was extra distressing. My fears aside, this story was suspenseful even though I had a feeling from the beginning that this wasn't going to end well. It didn't help that I had that song you linked to playing while I was reading this, I had to turn it off because it was making me anxious. Well done.

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I loved this so much. I had to force myself to wait to read this until I got home. It deserved undivided attention! Incredibly suspenseful, amazing characters, and perfect atmosphere. That ending too… wow! Always a home run, scoot! :)

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This was an amazing read. Anything underwater terrifies me. This was hauntingly beautiful. I had shivers

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Woah! I didn’t know (somehow) that you wrote longer fiction!

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I do! On my newsletter page, check out “the volume” section for my longer works! Thank you for reading!

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Gripping stuff! Loved it.

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Oh. My. Gosh. One story, all of my worst nightmares. The underwater setting was STELLAR.

Side note: I’m super impressed by your research into saturation diving (which, for the record, will always and forever be dead last on my list of desirable jobs).

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Wow! That ending!!! I loved it! You did it again, my friend :) I mean, it was terrifying in the most virtual way and tapped into so many natural fears. But that's a good thing, and part of your genius!!!

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You’re an excellent writer! I’m fascinated by a plot dealing with a job that I didn’t know existed, and could never have imagined.

Looking forward to more letters from Armin!

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Hi, Scoot, I just tried to subscribe, but I'm not sure about the credit card that popped up. Let me know if it's expired--ack! I wasn't given an opportunity to select which credit card to use.

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Nevermind! I found it. It's okay. Sorry!

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WOW! Thank you so much for subscribing! I really appreciate your support! 🙏🙏🙏

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Dadgun it, Dagon got them.

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Heh. You beat me to it :) I’m always thrilled to see the word ‘eldritch’ in a story. First time I’ve seen it used in a deep sea setting, which seems unfathomable because it’s a perfect fit. The HPL vibes took my mind off the terrifying end the characters were subjected to…and also got me wondering what was next for Harrison. It was time for something other than death methinks…

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This was really a good one Scoot. One hell of a dive or drowning, however one interprets it. Excellent piece.

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i sdd enjoy this but felt the ending somehow didnt fit with the atmosphere of the earlier passages. not that i dont love huge monsters and destruction! but somehow the realism of the divers' experience and the back story vignettes created a more "mundane" atmosphere for me and a huge glowing eyed kraken thing suddenly appearing seemed out of place and not what i was expecting. maybe that was the point. nonetheless, really well written and thanks!

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As a reader, my greatest fear is losing everything. All those people I begin to invest my emotions in cruelly stripped away. Slowly suffocated in a dark watery grave. I can feel them die as I reach the last sentence.

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