First here

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Gee, now I want to watch the Craig Bond movies again. Maybe all the Bond movies. Except for the one with George Lazenby; that wasn't fun. But anyway.

I loved this serial: I loved DB, Black Zaelland, James and Tyrone, the whole cast. I don't think you did anything wrong with Bridgett re: with us not trusting her; for me at least, in noir-type stories I don't trust anyone. :) So that could be an audience expectation problem rather than an author issue. And you handled the BZ situation with James really well; it felt the most realistic, if that's the right word, for the story. Well done, you. :)

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THANK YOU so much Michael!

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Bregenz!!!!!! Wow great reflections. I thoroughly enjoyed this series!

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Glad you enjoyed SF! Can't wait to write more!

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I must confess, I actually thought you had the story wrapped up in the confrontation episode. It was cool to get an epilogue for the characters though!

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LOL from the beginning I knew I wanted Mack to ride off into the sunset so all this was just a pretense to get him to change locations 😂

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That was as fun to read as the serial itself, Scoot. Thanks for the shout out and for filling in the blank in my comment!

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Thank you so much for reading!

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I really enjoyed reading this post-op! I'm a sucker for any "behind the scenes" or "the making of." It felt like when I would watch a movie on DVD and then watch the featurette. Well done!

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Writing with a buffer of episodes is a good idea! (And I don’t say that just because I also write with a buffer...) Very much enjoyed this retrospective, I always love reading an authors thoughts about what worked and what didn’t for them.

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You did good. If I might make a suggestion for the next one.

Write every day, but post it in parts.

I started out writing and posting on the same day, but I didn't really feel comfortable with my serial until I didn't have to worry about getting behind.

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